Writer. Eater. Storyteller.
I've always been obsessed with food and fascinated by flavours. Nothing makes me happier than digging into a great meal, elbows on the table, passing dishes back and forth between friends while swapping tales of our favourite food memories.
Of all the tales told and stories shared, it’s never the luxury, the big budget, or fine-dining dinners that are regaled - instead, it’s the fresh-from-the-sea crab sarnie in the rickety cafe, or the pulled-apart-with-our-hands-and-licked-the-juices-off-our-fingers figs at the roadside shack, that stick in mind. It’s the mavericks, the makers, the artisans and rule-breakers, who hold our attention.
When it comes to wine, the depth and diversity of styles, the ebb and flow of evolving trends and the fact that every single bottle is a stamp of place and time will never not blow my mind. I didn’t grow up in a foodie family, there was no wine on the dinner table (in fact we didn’t have a dinner table!) so I remember the feeling of joy as this whole new world of flavour and farming opened itself up to me. I like to try and spread this same feeling with my writing on wine, answering the questions people might feel too shy to ask, making recommendations that are accessible and affordable so anyone and everyone can get involved, too.
I have a drinks column with the Evening Standard and you can find my words online here.
I also cover freelance features, journalism, travel guides, reviews, cocktail recipes, and brand copywriting. My work has been published in: The Times, SUITCASE magazine, Foodism, Food & Wine Magazine, Edible New York, InStyle, easyJet Traveller, Soho House Magazine, The Daily Meal, Farmdrop and wonderful indie mags Root + Bone and Above Sea Level.
I was nominated Young British Foodies ‘Fresh Voice in Food Writing’, and I'm always on the hunt for a good story.
Get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.